
With 13 Million Residents Are Now Under Lockdown In Xi’an

With 13 Million Residents Are Now Under Lockdown In Xi'an - ebuddynews

The Chinese authorities decided to put lockdown to the residents of Xi’an, a city of 13 million people and capital of the central province of Shaanxi, where a recent outbreak of COVID has left hundreds of positives. However, we all know that China is the place to the birth of COVID.

The rest must stay at home except for imperative reasons, except for health personnel. The local health commission has indicated in a document, which also announces the closure of schools. And the cessation of all kinds of events and asking 13 million residents to work from home in Xi’an before improvising lockdown. The inhabitants are also required not to leave the city if it is not strictly necessary. Those who have to leave must first obtain a certificate approved by the authorities and present a negative test.

Since this latest outbreak began on December 9, Shaanxi province has detected a total of 149 positives, 143 of them in Xi’an.

China has developed a strategy of zero tolerance against coronavirus. It has imposed strict entry controls into the country with quarantines of up to three weeks and numerous tests of various types. And they also conduct mass testing campaigns and selective campaigns confinements in places where regrowth is detected.

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