To be an expert you need more training than experience. One of the frequently asked is how to become an expert real estate agent?. Actually, what these real estate agents want to ask is how to get more sales and increase their commissions. We must recognize that the way they...
According to the 2018 World Innovation Index, Peru ranked 71 out of 126 economies in the world. However, transformation sprouted in large, medium and small companies with simple initiatives that do not demand millionaire budgets. Although creating a savings account in a “click” or requesting food from an app was...
Argentine Industrial Chamber Of Grain Exports Is Ready To Export Corn To Mexico The president of the Argentine chamber of grain export companies called CIARA-CEC. CIARA-CEC represents global giants such as Louis Dreyfus Company, ADM and Cargill. The Chamber said “The moment the United States establishes its commercial rates, we will be...
Many times workers make mistakes in our work center, especially when wanting to show our commitment and productivity within the team. However, there are big differences between those habitual or tolerable mistakes at work that can endanger our position. Also, these mistakes can put you to the test not only as...
Have you counted every coin that comes out and every coin that comes into your life? Doing it can be very interesting, because that way you will know why you are unable to save. Spending less than you earn is very important. But, for this, you must control your income...
E-commerce and The Internet are the lands of opportunities for entrepreneurs. The online world covers all types of business possibilities, from a content portal to a social network. So, how to make a profit and make money with your website? E-commerce Achieving a record volume of visits is quite an...
BMW AG is reaffirming its plans to start manufacturing Mini cars outside Europe for the first time, after signing an initial agreement with the Chinese manufacturer Great Wall Motor Co. Under the deal, which would add a second BMW partner in China, the two companies will produce electric minis in...
It seems that Apple is not having such a happy Christmas. Analysts have downgraded iPhone X’s shipment projections for the first quarter of next year, citing indications of lackluster demand at the end of the holiday shopping season. Zhang Bin, an analyst at Sinolink Securities Co., said in a report...
When Google was founded, it was run by two young people, the same ones who created it, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. At the beginning of the 2000s, it was common to see engineers and entrepreneurs create companies that gradually became giants that needed some experience in their positions of...
A malfunction in an electrical station caused a blackout in some areas of the Venezuela capital and the neighboring states of Miranda and Vargas, causing problems in transportation and the closure of businesses. People were looking for ways to return to their homes after suspensions in the capital’s underground transport...