
What Is Arthritis And Its Types With Diagnosis Treatment And Prevention

What Is Arthritis And Its Types With Diagnosis Treatment And Prevention - ebuddynews

Joint problems are becoming more common every day and, contrary to what we might think, they affect both young and old. It is largely due to the increase in sports and risk activities, which can damage and wear out the joints, creating this problem which leads to Arthritis and it effected in different types.

This ailment affects the day-to-day of those who suffer since it limits movements and causes a lot of discomforts. Therefore, it is important to know the most common causes and avoid them to keep them as far away as possible.

What Are The Symptoms Of Arthritis?

Arthritis consists, as its name suggests, of inflammation or swelling of the joints of the bones. Contrary to what could be assumed, it can affect people of any age since it is not caused by degeneration of the joints but by injuries or blows. The cartilage is surrounding them causes damage.

The main symptoms or warning signs usually include pain, swelling, stiffness, or difficulty moving a joint.

In most cases, joint inflammation disappears along with the cause or after receiving treatment. Still, if not properly treated, it can become a chronic condition.

What Is The Difference Between Arthritis And Osteoarthritis?

It is common to confuse both ailments since the symptoms are very similar. Still, in the case of arthritis, the pain is caused by an inflammation of the joints. And while in osteoarthritis and it causes this pain by wear and tear.

As we mentioned before, osteoarthritis is common in people of any age. It is mainly caused by an inflammation of the synovial membrane, causing swelling and pain. The pain is temporary and usually improves with therapies and treatments.

Osteoarthritis can affect the articular cartilage because it is a chronic process. It can appear in the hands, knees, hips, or spine and causes intense pain and loss of flexibility of the joints. In this case, the pain is mechanical, and that is, it appears with movements and improves with rest.

Most Common Causes Of Arthritis Are

There are many types of arthritis, so the causes of this disease can be diverse. And it is varies depending on the person and their situation. Often, the cause is unknown.

What we can safely talk about are factors that can increase the risk of developing this joint ailment.

  • The first and inevitable is the genetic material that we can inherit from our parents. That is, a certain genetic predisposition to suffer these inflammations and pains.
  • Defects in the immune system, that is, lack of protection against some types of viruses or bacteria.
  • Cartilage or joint defects
  • Suppose you got injury or trauma to the joints. They can stay in simple strokes; however, if not treated properly, they can get complicated.
  • A bacteria, fungus, or virus that infects the joints.
  • Excessive weight can help the appearance of arthritis in the knee area.
  • We can face repetitive movements that go on for a long time, which can wear down cartilage and form joint inflammation.
  • Muscle weakness, as weak muscles cannot adequately support the joints—the greater the muscular strength, the less possibility of joint wear.

How Can Arthritis Be Diagnosed?

It is not possible to speak of specific diagnostic tests for arthritis since it will rely on the type of inflammation suffered by the patient.

The most common tests are blood or fluid tests from the swollen joint to locate any infection.

After a physical examination, the specialist considers it appropriate, can take an X-ray to see the state of the muscle and the joint.

An ultrasound can also serve as a diagnostic method. The sound wave technology it uses allows it to obtain images of tissues and structures containing fluid, such as the synovium.

What Are The Types Of Arthritis That Exist?

There are many various types of arthritis. The name and treatment of each depend on the cause of the ailment. Next, the list with some of the most common types of arthritis:

Reactive Arthritis

It is a type of arthritis that occurs after an infection. It can also cause swellings in the eyes, skin, and urinary system.

As in other cases, the exact cause is unknown but known that its appearance is common after infections, not necessarily in the joint itself. It is a rare disorder in young children, but it can appear in adolescents.

 Septic Arthritis

It is swelling of a joint due to a bacterial or fungal infection. The infection can reach the joint through the blood system or after an operation or injury.

It can arise at any age, although it occurs more frequently in children under three years of age due to infections. It is normally related to group B streptococcus bacteria.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. Also, it causes to affecting other organs. Its specific cause is not known, but it is usually associated with an autoimmune disease. That is, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue.

It can happen at any age, but the most common are juvenile (in children under 16 years of age) and that which appears in middle-aged adults.

Thumb Arthritis

Known as Osteo Arthritis, it affects the joint at the base of the thumb. It can be known as degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis.

The cartilage between the bones wears down due to injury, repetitive movements, or certain genetic factors, causing friction between the bones and severe pain in the area.

It is more common in women than in men and usually appears after the quarantine.

Treatments And Therapies To Alleviate Arthritis

Treatments for these ailments focus on relieving symptoms and improving joint function. As it is a disease with so many possible causes, the treatment will largely depend on which of them it is.

Before finding the final one, you have to try Several treatments.

The most common medications will be analgesics and anti-inflammatory, to reduce the pain and swell that this ailment causes. Still, it can also add other physical treatments or rehabilitation therapies.

Surgery could resort to more extreme cases where the disease affects higher levels and cannot resolve it.

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