
What Are The Most Common Myths And Facts About Cancer?

What Are The Most Common Myths And Facts About Cancer - ebuddynews

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any body organ leads to cancer disease. It causes malfunctions and can invade other tissues, known as metastasis.

There are many types of cancer: it can start in a lung or breast, prostate, stomach, or blood, among others. Although there are some similarities between them, their way of development is different, so the medical treatments available to combat or control them are also different. However, most include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, various types of biological therapy, and even stem cell transplants.

Knowing that you have cancer is complicated from the first moment: the patient needs his doctor to help him understand his diagnosis, explain his prognosis, and present him with the most appropriate treatment alternatives for his case while finding psycho-emotional support from his partner, friends, family and the rest of your social sphere.

It is important to deny the most common myths and facts about cancer. Because it is often detected in late stages, cancer is considered an extremely aggressive disease. Fear and misinformation can lead patients with this diagnosis to suffer from depression and anxiety, which is extremely.

Myths And Facts About Cancer

Myth 1

Suppose we keep thinking that we have a tumor. It means we have cancer.

Fact 1

Most cancers form masses known as tumors; however, not all tumors are cancerous. When detected a tumor in a patient, a biopsy is performed by removing a piece of the mass and analyzing it to determine if it is a benign or malignant tumor. In both cases, the doctor will determine the steps to follow.

Myth 2

Being diagnosed with cancer means being hopeless.

Fact 2

Most cancers are curable or treatable if detected early. Since the 1990s, mortality associated with this has steadily decreased: 5-year survival in patients with common cancers – such as breast, prostate, and thyroid – is 90% or higher.

Myth 3

If the mother had a healthy life and still had cancer. It was her destiny.

Fact 3

There are controllable factors such as diet and physical activity. And other uncontrollable factors -such as age and family history, can increase our risk of suffering from this disease. Hence the importance of its prevention, early detection, and timely treatment.

Myth 4

Several people in many families have had cancer. Surely we will also develop it.

Fact 4

Not necessarily; it estimates that hereditary factors cause only 5% of cancers; however, it should discuss family history with the physician for consideration in periodic patient reviews.

Myth 5 

No one in our families has had cancer, and we won’t either.

Fact 5

Although the chance of developing some types of cancer may be lower in people without a family history of the disease, it can be a natural consequence of aging or environmental aspects such as smoking or radiation.

Myth 6

Foods with sugar or sweeteners cause cancer or make it worse.

Fact 6

Until now, no one has found solid scientific evidence indicating that these products cause or worsen cancer, but a healthy and balanced diet, limited to processed foods and drinks, is essential for the prevention and control of this and other diseases.

Myth 7

An operation could cause cancer to spread.

Fact 7

The possibility of this occurring is very low. Specialist surgeons have strict protocols for handling biopsies and tumors.

Myth 8

There are medicinal plants and other alternative treatments that cure cancer.

Fact 8

Although studies have led to the assumption that some alternative treatments can help the patient tolerate the pain of the disease. Or the side effects caused by the treatment against it, none have shown efficacy against the same cancer. Relying on miracle products can risk the patient’s health or become a scam.

Apart from myths and facts about cancer, nowadays there are products to control various types of cancer and the complications associated with its treatment, providing the patient with a better quality of life.

Also, remember that in the opinion of experts, routine medical check-ups along with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and positive social relationships are important to take care of our general health.

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