
What Are The Mediterranean Diet Benefits And How To Do It

What Are The Mediterranean Diet Benefits And How To Do It - ebuddynews

The Mediterranean diet depends on consuming fresh and natural foods like vegetables, olive oil, fruits, fish, legumes, nuts, vinegar, cereals, milk, and cheese to avoid industrialized products such as sausages and frozen pre-manufactured food. The Mediterranean diet also have many benefits too.

Mediterranean diet is a type of diet that helps change your lifestyle. It is unnecessary to be low in calories to help lose weight since it naturally helps improve metabolism and promote weight control.

The Mediterranean diet benefits

The Mediterranean diet is a diet to lose weight; it is more of a lifestyle present in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. The main health benefits of Mediterranean diet:

  • It is a cheaper version;
  • Lower risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and degenerative diseases;
  • Protects the body from atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • It makes the diet more varied, excellent for children’s palates, making it easier for them to eat vegetables and salads. 
  • It contains more nutrients than industrialized foods, supplying a greater amount of vitamins and minerals;

To lead the Mediterranean diet, fruits and foods of plant origin, fresh, not processed, of the time and preferably locally produced, should be consumed daily. It is better to get them in small markets or greengrocers.

How to do the Mediterranean diet

If you want to get benefits of Mediterranean diet then you have to follow the Mediterranean diet, you must alter your diet as follows: 

1. Olive oil and good fats

Olive oil and vegetable oils are like canola, and flaxseed oil is rich in fats that are good for the heart, helping to control cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. Olive oil should be added to ready meals to obtain the benefits, consuming a maximum of 2 tablespoons per day.

Other good fats are olives and dried fruits such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts, which should be consumed 1 to 2 servings per day.

2. Avoid industrialized products

The diet has to be in a more significant proportion based on natural products, mainly vegetable origins such as brown rice, brown rice, soy, eggs, and milk. 

Withdrawing industrialized products will help reduce toxins in the body, reduce inflammation, and combat fluid retention, naturally helping to reduce swelling. 

3. Eat fish

Should consume fish at least three times a week since they are protein sources and good fats such as omega-3, which acts as an anti-inflammatory. It is helping to relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation, increase good cholesterol, and reducing the bad prevent heart disease.

4. Milk and skim derivatives

To improve diet and reduce fat consumption, you should prefer skim milk, natural yogurt, and white cheeses such as ricotta and cottage, always taking care to read the nutritional labeling.

5. Wine

Drinking 30 cc of wine every day is shown to help heart health due to its high polyphenols content such as resveratrol, a substance rich in antioxidants, which helps to take care of blood vessels. Alcohol in excess should be drunk in moderation, and it brings adverse health effects.

6. Wholefoods

The Mediterranean diet is rich in wholefoods that include: cereals such as oats, rye, and barley; Integral rice; wheat pasta; and whole-grain breads, which are foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that increase the functioning of the body, fight constipation and decrease the absorption of sugars and fats in the intestine.

As well as, it is also rich in high-protein grains like beans, soybeans, and chickpeas, which also help strengthen muscles and improve metabolism.

7. Vegetables and fruits

Increasing the taking of vegetables and fruits is a very important point in this diet. They provide vitamins, fibers, and minerals for the body, causing a greater feeling of satiety and favoring weight loss.

You can lead a better, healthy life with this Mediterranean diet. Make a diet plan to take in your everyday meal, which will keep you healthier.

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