
Top 7 Methods To Clean Your Lungs In Natural Ways

Top 7 Methods To Clean Your Lungs In Natural Ways - ebuddynews

Natural ways to clean your lungs that can benefit people who smoke, are regularly exposed to air pollution. People suffer from chronic conditions that affect the respiratory system, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and cystic fibrosis.

Your lungs may damage by breathing polluted air, cigarette smoke, and other toxins and even cause health problems. Maintaining lungs health is essential for the health of the rest of the body.

According to the WHO, exposure to air pollution causes 4.2 million deaths worldwide each year. One in five people dies from cigarette smoking in the United States.

Now here, we discuss some of the natural ways that can use to try to clean your lungs.

Is It Possible To Clean Your Lungs?

Self-cleaning organs in the body are the lungs. Lung health is important to a person’s overall good health. It will improve health once they stop being exposed to pollutants, for example, when someone stops smoking.

After exposing their lungs to pollution, such as cigarette smoke, a person may feel full, congested, or swollen in their chest. Mucus accumulates in the lungs, trapping microbes and pathogens, contributing to this feeling of heaviness.

There are specific techniques to help clear the lungs of mucus and irritants to relieve chest congestion and other uncomfortable symptoms.

These methods can also open the airways, improve the capacity of the lung, and reduce inflammation. It can help reduce the effects of pollution and smoke on the lungs.

How To Clean Your Lungs In Natural Ways

Here are some breathing exercises and lifestyle changes in natural ways to clean your lungs which can help improve breathing and remove excess mucus from the lungs.

1. Steam Therapy

Doing steam therapy or steam inhalation involves inhaling water vapor to open the airways and help the lungs drain mucus.

People with lung conditions will notice that their symptoms are worse in cold or dry air. This climate or weather can dry the mucous membranes in the airways and restrict blood flow.

In reverse, steam adds heat and moisture to the air, which can help you breathe better and extricate mucus in your airways and lungs. Inhaling water vapor can give immediate relief and help people breathe more easily.

A small study involving 16 men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe. Found vapor mask therapy leads to significantly lower heart and respiratory rates than mask therapy without steam.

However, the people who participated do not report lasting improvements in their respiratory function.

This therapy could be an effective temporary solution, but more studies are needed to understand the benefits of steam therapy on lung healthfully.

2. Controlled Cough

The body’s way of naturally expelling toxins trapped in mucus is coughing. Controlled coughing extricates excess mucus in the lungs and sends it through the airways.

Doctors recommend that people with COPD do this exercise to help clear their lungs. Follow these steps to clear your lungs of excess mucus:

  • sit in a chair with your shoulders relaxed, keeping your feet flat on the floor
  • cross your arms over your stomach
  • take inhale slowly through your nose
  • slowly exhale as you lean forward, pressing your arms against your stomach
  • cough 2 or 3 times on the exhale, keeping the mouth slightly open
  • inhale slowly through your nose
  • rest and repeat as needed

3. Drainage Of Mucus From The Lungs

Lying in different positions Postural drainage involves using gravity to remove mucus from the lungs. If you follow this method, it may improve breathing and help treat or prevent lung infections.

Postural drainage techniques differ based on position:

1. On Your Back

  • Either lie down on the bed or the floor.
  • Put pillows under your hips to ensure your chest is lower than your hips.
  • With your nose, slowly inhale, and with your mouth, exhale. Do each exhale should take twice as long as the inhale. It is called 1: 2 respiration.
  • Continue the exercise for a few minutes.

2. Sideways

  • Lie down on your side, resting your head on an arm or pillow.
  • Put pillows under your hips.
  • Practice the 1: 2 breathing pattern.
  • Continue the exercise for a few minutes.
  • Repeat on the other side.

3. On The Stomach

  • Lay a pile of pillows on the floor.
  • Lie down with your stomach on the pillows. Always remember to keep your hips higher than your chest.
  • Bend your arms under your head to support it.
  • Practice the 1: 2 breathing pattern.
  • Continue the exercise for a few minutes.

4. Green Tea

Drinking green tea can help clean your lungs because it contains many antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the lungs. These compounds can also protect from the harmful effects of smoke inhalation on lung tissue.

A recent study where more than 1,000 adults participated in Korea reported that people who drank green tea at least 2 cups per day had better lung function than those who did not.

5. Exercise

Doing regular exercise can improve the physical and mental health of people. It lowers the risk of many health conditions, including strokes and heart disease.

Exercise makes the muscles work harder, increasing the body’s respiratory rate and increasing oxygen supply to the muscles. Exercising more efficiently also improves circulation, causing the body to eliminate excess carbon dioxide.

The body will start to adjust to meet the needs of regular exercise. Then your muscles will learn to use oxygen more efficiently and to produce less carbon dioxide.

While exercising can be more difficult for chronic lung patients, they too can benefit from regular exercise. People with COPD, cystic fibrosis, or asthma have to consult a doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation of the airways can make it hard to breathe and make the chest feel heavy and congested. Eating anti-inflammatory foods can reduce inflammation and alleviate these symptoms.

Foods that help fight inflammation include:

  • turmeric
  • green leafy vegetables
  • olives
  • lentils
  • walnuts
  • blueberries
  • cherries
  • Beans

7. Chest Percussion

Another effective way to remove excess mucus from the lungs is doing percussion. A medical professional or respiratory therapist will use their cupped hand (shaped like a cup) to rhythmically strike the chest wall to loosen the mucus trapped in the lungs.

The combination of chest percussion and postural drainage can help clear the airways of excess mucus.


Suppose toxins from cigarette smoke or air pollution that enter the lungs can affect the entire body. These toxins eventually get trapped within the mucus.

You have to know that good respiratory health depends on if the body can effectively clear mucus from the lungs and airways.

People with lung damage may have more difficulty clearing mucus from their system than others. Chronic conditions like COPD, asthma, and cystic fibrosis lead to excess mucus production or unusually thick mucus clogging the lungs.

Suppose using cleaning techniques like postural drainage, chest percussion, and breathing exercises for the lung. It can improve lung health and clear mucus from the lungs and airways. Steam therapy can offer temporary relief to people suffering from congestion or chronic respiratory conditions.

To improve lung health, do exercise regularly, drink green tea, and eat anti-inflammatory foods are lifestyle changes. And it keeps lowers your disease risk.

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