
Top 13 Essential Vitamins For Health With Their Functions

Top 13 Essential Vitamins For Health With Their Functions - ebuddynews

Vitamins are an important source that travels through the bloodstream. They help our body to develop in the way of allowing us to perform our duties correctly. Thus we enjoy an optimal state of health, and it is sure.

It Maintains healthy bones and teeth, helps brain function, facilitates wound healing, induces good metabolism of nutrients, and enhances red blood cells formation. The system involves Vitamins in this, besides special other functions.

Everyone talks about them, and their importance is that they have in our bodies is great. However, Vitamins remain a mystery, and their functions and ways of obtaining them do not often seem very clear.

Our bodies synthesize some vitamins. It is only possible to obtain them through diet, and it cannot produce others in our cells, on the other hand. The so-called essential vitamins are these which we cannot synthesize ourselves.

Let Us Know ‘What Are Essential Vitamins For Health?’

There are 13 essential vitamins for good health. They are like particles present in many different foods such as fruits, vegetables, oils, meat, fish, and mutton, besides grains such as cereals, etc.  

All the above are essential for our body because vitamin deficiencies can lead to serious health problems. Each of them performs vital functions in the body, and we cannot synthesize them ourselves, so we depend on the diet.

Hence, following a varied and balanced diet is important, as each food group constitutes a specific contribution of essential vitamins. Therefore people need to take vitamin supplements to counteract the deficit of one or more essential vitamins since the body needs all 13 without certain products.

Essential vitamins, then, are nutrients obtained through food. After being processed by our body, they act as the engine of many physiological processes in the body.

What Causes Vitamin Deficiencies?

Vitamin deficiencies, also which we know that as avitaminosis. They appear if we do not ingest sufficient amounts of essential vitamins through the diet for good health. That’s how problematic health conditions come up.

It depends on the degree of deficiency. The affected vitamin leads to the most frequent symptoms of vitamin deficiencies are nosebleeds, severe cavities, bone deformations, mucus ailments, dry-eyes, and dry-skin, vision-loss, problematic and delayed healing of injuries, etc.

A rich and balanced diet can avoid all these conditions since essential vitamins intake.

What Are The 13 Essential Vitamins For Health?

As we have stated, it is through diet only we must obtain the 13 essential vitamins. As they are important to enjoy health, and our body by itself cannot synthesize. All of these things are important. The body obtains each and everything from different products and fulfills certain functions within our body.

Next, we will see the 13 essential vitamins, detailing their role in our physiology and where they can obtain them.

1. ‘Vitamin ‘A’

‘A’ -Vitamin participates in forming and maintaining healthy bones, teeth, soft tissues, mucous membranes, and skin. To be very clear, that will help like an engine in the ‘building of tissue’ work. 

It can obtain Vitamin A from dairy products, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, fish, liver, and fruits in a dark color, etc.

2. Vitamin ‘B1’

We know Vitamin ‘B1′, also known as thiamine. To obtain energy from the carbohydrates, Vitamin B1’ is important in the cellular process. Carbohydrates are the fuel of our body, and it is possible to obtain energy from them. Thanks to this vitamin ‘B1’. So it is important to keep all the organs and tissues of our body healthy and make us feel strong.

It can obtain thiamine from eggs, bread, lean meats, peas, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, milk, etc.

3. Vitamin ‘B2’

We know Vitamin B2 as riboflavin also. It is very important for producing red blood cells and the growth of the body. So it contributes to the correct transport of oxygen through the body. That will help for the development of other tissues and the formation of proper bones. It carries out its function jointly with the other vitamins of group ‘B.’

It Can obtain it from beef, milk, eggs, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, salmon, etc.

4. Vitamin ‘B3’

We know Vitamin B3 also as niacin. It helps to maintain healthy skin. Besides that, it also contributes to maintaining the nervous system in the right conditions and helps regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Various kinds of items such as non-vegetarian, vegetables, cereals, fruits, all varieties of cereal-products, various fruits (avocado, broccoli); cabbage family vegetables, eggs, milk, mushrooms, etc., help to obtain niacin. 

5. Vitamin ‘B6’

We know Vitamin ‘B6’ also as pyridoxine. It helps to produce red blood cells, and further, it helps the brain function to maintain proper conditions. Also, protein metabolism includes in it.

That can obtain it from white meat, whole grain products, nuts, avocado, banana, legumes, etc.

6. Vitamin ‘B12’

Vitamin ‘B12’ is required for the metabolic reactions of our body to happen correctly. That is, it helps obtain energy, and it also helps to use it to happen as it should. Besides this, it maintains the nervous system in good condition and enhances the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 may result in many types of health issues in vegan diets. Because it only obtains it from animal origin products: red and white meat, seafood, eggs, and milk. Although it is also in soybeans, it is very difficult for the body to absorb vitamin B12 from foods of plant origin.

7. Vitamin ‘C’

Vitamin ‘C’, also known as ascorbic acid, supports the maintenance of teeth and gums, helps absorb iron from the diet. It maintains healthy tissues and is essential for wounds to heal properly, and it also acts as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C is available in cabbage, tomatoes, sprouts of Brussels, some fruits, etc.

8. Vitamin ‘D’

‘D’- Vitamin continues to generate controversy as to whether or not it should be considered an essential vitamin. It is the only thing on the list that our body can produce. Of course, only sufficient exposure to solar radiation synthesizes it only. People cannot produce enough on their own who do not live in sunny climates the That is the problem.

Since the sun is not always sufficient and one must also obtain it through the diet, it is considered an essential vitamin. However, it isn’t easy to get the necessary amounts only through diet, so you must also supplement it with the help of sunlight exposure.

Vitamin ‘D’ is essential either way. Because it helps to soak up the calcium content, we know that it is essential to maintain healthy bones with strong nature. Besides that, it serves to keep sufficient calcium levels and also phosphorus in the blood. That is what is the very key point is to keep a healthy body.

Vitamin ‘D’, in addition to this, our own body can synthesize if it gives us sunlight. We can obtain it in small amounts through oily fish, enriched cereals, and dairy products.

9. Vitamin ‘E’

Vitamin ‘E‘, also known as tocopherol, is an antioxidant that helps us use vitamin K more effectively and helps form red blood cells.

It can obtain it from avocado, oils, wheat, nuts, seeds, margarine, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, turnip, papaya, mango, etc.

10. Vitamin ‘K’

Vitamin ‘K’ is important to allow blood to clot, and therefore this can help more effectively to heal wounds. Further, it helps the bones stay strong and healthy.

It can obtain Vitamin K from fish, beef, eggs, spinach, Brussels sprouts, turnips, asparagus, cereals, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.

11. Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid is an essential vitamin to process the food we eat properly. Further, it is very important in the production of hormones.

It can obtain it from white meat, whole grain products, potatoes, milk, mushrooms, legumes, lentils, eggs, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, avocado, etc.

12. Biotin

Biotin is one of the essential vitamins in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates to improve your health. Further, it is very important in the hormone production processes.

It can obtain biotin from pork, nuts, legumes, cereals, liver, kidney, eggs (especially the yolk), chocolate, etc.

13. To know about Folic-acid

We also know Folic-acid as folate or simply vitamin ‘B9’. It works together with vitamin B12 helping form red blood cells. It is also essential in the production of DNA inside cells, which is why it plays a vital role in the functions of cells and the growth of the tissues.

Given its importance, It increases in women who are pregnant. Necessary amounts from natural foods are not always easy to obtain. Now Many products are enriched in folic acid.

In any case, it can achieve it through the consumption of spinach, lettuce, cereals, asparagus, broccoli, beets, butter, oranges, lentils, beans, etc.

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