Food & Drink

Top 10 Weight Loss Drinks For You

Top 10 Weight Loss Drinks For You - ebuddynews

If you are thinking of losing weight, you should know that in addition to following a diet, you can weight loss with homemade and natural drinks. With these juices, you can lose up to five kilos weekly.

Because we are what we eat, the best thing is to eat healthy with everything nature offers us. Here, we show you several recipes for weight loss drinks that you can prepare at home before summer. Also, these drinks are very easy and simple to prepare.

Top Weight Loss Drinks

First, you must understand that there are no magical solutions, but a healthy diet rich in nutrients will make us feel good and in harmony with our bodies. These are the most effective juices to lose fat but remember to exercise regularly and drink two liters of water daily.

1. Green Tea

This tea is more effective if you drink it cold and can help you avoid catching a cold. The benefit of green tea is that it helps the metabolism to lose fat quickly and efficiently, much more than any other commercial drink.

2. Lettuce, Spinach, And Kiwi Juice

Add a kiwi, two or three lettuce leaves, and two spinach leaves in a mixer to make this simple juice. Add cold water to thicken and sweeten it with some fruit. This antioxidant drink will also give you an extra energy boost thanks to the vitamin C and chlorophyll it contains. It is a highly recommended and refreshing drink to lose weight for summer.

3. Coconut Water Juice

It is a very low-calorie drink with abundant electrolytes, which benefits your nervous system and calms anxiety. It hydrates and helps you lose weight, supports metabolism, and keeps your skin fresh.

Although they sell it prepared, it usually has added sugar, so we recommend you buy the coconut and drink the natural juice from inside.

4. Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruits are easy to get and are very cheap. Drinking a single glass of this juice daily will burn all the excess fat, and you can lose weight easily and quickly. It would help if you took it on an empty stomach to enhance its effects.

5. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea destroys all the accumulated fat and does it effectively and naturally. It will also greatly help if you suffer from any respiratory problems. But be careful; you cannot drink this drink if you have arterial hypertension.

6. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry has many properties and is ideal for infections. However, this juice is also one of the most recommended to eliminate accumulated fat in the body and lose weight without complications. To prepare them in juice, blend them with water or semi-skimmed milk and drink one or two glasses daily. You can make juices or make jam and take them whole.

7. Hot Water With Lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which helps raise defenses. And it can make you lose fat naturally because citric acid works perfectly to metabolize fat. To get better results for weight loss recommended that you drink it hot. Press two or three lemons in a liter of water and boil them for five minutes.

8. Papaya Juice

Papaya has an enzyme called papain that controls fat from accumulating in the body and is released naturally. For this reason, it is one of the most indicated juices when dieting, as it is indicated for losing weight.

9. Cucumber, Lemon, And Parsley Juice

Cucumber is rich in B vitamins, folic acid, antioxidants, omega 3, and fiber, making it a complete food that should not be missing from any diet to lose weight. Combining it with lemon and parsley will give you a drink with which you will lose weight very quickly and effortlessly, as long as you follow a balanced diet.

Mix half a cup of parsley, the juice of one lemon, and half a cucumber with a little water to make it. But only drink it for 10 consecutive days as it is quite potent.

10. Carrot, Beetroot, And Cucumber Juice

All vegetables are cleansing and alkaline, so taking them twice daily will help burn fat. It is adequate to eat them raw, so cut them into pieces and put them in a mixer with a little water. Drink two glasses a day for a week.

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