
Smoking Causes Type 2 Diabetes: Full Information For Your Health

Smoking Causes Type 2 Diabetes Full Information For Your Health - ebuddynews

Everyone knows or has heard or read about how harmful smoking is. Even the warnings graphically reflected on the cigarette packages. Some of the best-known effects include cancer in the lungs, mouth, throat and bladder, and reducing the tissues’ oxygen. It may lead to cause heart attacks and cerebral and peripheral vascular events. More over that it also causes to attack Type 2 Diabetes if you do smoking.

Type 2 Diabetes And Complications

For those who are living with diabetes, smoking also causes to increase the risk of developing serious complications of Type 2 Diabetes such as:

  • Heart and kidney disease. If people with diabetes who smoke are three times more likely to have cardiovascular disease than those with diabetes who do not smoke.
  • Poor circulation of both the lower and upper extremities in the body can cause infections, sores. And also a greater risk of amputations due to the affectation of the blood vessels, preventing adequate blood circulation.
  • Retinopathy
  • Peripheral neuropathy.
  • In pregnant women, the risk of damage to the baby and creates problems such as hypertension before or at the time of delivery.

If you live with diabetes and smoke, you need to know that quitting smoking has immediate benefits reflected in better controlling your blood glucose levels since smoking increases insulin resistance, making it difficult to manage diabetes properly.

Some Strategies

But as telling you how harmful smoking is not enough, here we share some strategies that can support you in your mission to quit smoking:

Try To Recognize That Smoking Is An Addiction

While deciding to quit overnight may work for some people, it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Smoking can be related to certain situations that arise every day, such as stress. Smoking a cigarette can be associated with a form of relaxation. The idea is to identify what moves you to smoke traffic, going to or coming back from work or even the very demands of diabetes management. Once identified, we can substitute cigarettes for healthy activities such as drinking water.

Decrease Quantity?

If you cannot quit smoking suddenly, you may be able to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day and thus, little by little, quit without causing more stress.

Seek Support From A Specialist

There are hypnosis therapies that help reduce anxiety and thus the urge to smoke.

Know The Symptoms After Quitting Smoking

Know the symptoms that will occur when quitting smoking, such as nicotine cravings, anxiety, tension, irritability, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, headaches and increased appetite. By previously knowing these sensations, we can take actions so that their intensity is not so strong.

Create A List

When you decide to quit smoking, make a list of why you want to quit this habit and also try to add in that list about benefits that this will bring you both in the short and long term.

Seek Support From Your Loved Ones

Talk to your family, friends and even coworkers so they can meet and support you in this new health project that you have for yourself.

Day To Day

In the beginning, each day will be an achievement. Little by little, you will see that more days have passed without smoking, which will motivate you to continue without doing so.

Perform Exercise

Exercise releases substances that produce well-being and replace what you thought the cigarette gave you.

In addition to all of the above, if you know someone in your circle that who does not live with diabetes but smokes. Those people might be interested in knowing that smoking can cause them to develop diabetes.

Risks For Those Not Living With Diabetes

That’s right, people who smoking in between 30 and 40% more likely to develop and causes for Type 2 diabetes than those who do not smoke. And not only that, the more cigarettes you smoke, the greater the risk of developing this type of diabetes. It is because smoking increases blood glucose levels and also increases insulin resistance. Therefore, smoking would accelerate this process if there is a predisposition to diabetes.

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