
Colorectal Cancer Symptoms, Risk, Diagnosis, And Treatment

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms, Risk, Diagnosis, And Treatment - ebuddynews

We should know that ‘colorectal cancer,’ or’ bowel cancer,’ is the most common cancer of the digestive tract. Its origin and genesis begin in the colon (large intestine) or the rectum (final portion of the large intestine). Doctors diagnose most cases of colorectal cancer in adults aged 60 years of age and above. Almost all cases begin as benign (noncancerous) tumors that slowly progress to colorectal cancer. These polyps can be found early with regular screening tests. Although people with colorectal cancer may not have symptoms, some experience abdominal pain, blood in the stool (stool), a change in bowel movement habits, and weight loss. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for the best chance of surviving bowel cancer.

Symptoms Of Colorectal Cancer

Symptoms of colorectal cancer may involve a change in bowel habits, pain in the lower abdomen, blood in the stool (stool), unexpected weight loss, and a feeling of tiredness and difficulty performing everyday tasks. Sometimes people with colorectal cancer have no symptoms in the early stages. Therefore it is important to have follow-up visits and screening even if you do not have symptoms.

Colorectal Cancer Risks

Colorectal cancer is common cancer and mostly affects people over 60 years of age. Colorectal cancer develops when a group of cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. These cells destroy normal cells around them and can spread to other tissues and organs. There are other risk factors also for developing colorectal cancer. They include a family member who has already had colorectal cancer, is suffering from obesity, and regularly consumes red meat. Further, if they consume little fiber, or experience type 2 diabetes, and have an inflammatory bowel disease history. Some rare genetic disorders are also the cause of increasing the risk of ‘colorectal cancer.’

Diagnosis Of Colorectal Cancer

Doctors can make the diagnosis of colorectal cancer when a person has suspicious symptoms or during a screening test on a person without symptoms. Screening for colorectal cancer includes an analysis of fecal matter to look for small amounts of blood called a fecal occult blood test. Or a colonoscopy, a camera inserted through the anus to look at the intestine. It may also do computed tomography (CT) scan to determine the cancer stage. Colonoscopy also allows samples to be taken for further study if they find a tumor.

Its Treatment

Colorectal cancer treatment depends on the size of cancer, the exact type of cancer, and whether or not it has spread. Combining these factors determines the stage (stage) of cancer. Depending on the stage, they may treat colorectal cancer with radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, or a combination of these. Doctors will be the ones to advise the best treatment. People who have had bowel cancer may find relief by participating in a support group or counseling program, especially during treatment.

Prevention Of Colorectal Cancer

Screening tests are important to prevent colorectal cancer from being diagnosed in its later stages. People who have a family member with colorectal cancer should ask a doctor about bowel cancer screening because, in some cases, doctors recommend screening at a younger age. Reducing red meat consumption and increasing dietary fiber intake may help prevent some cases of colorectal cancer. We can prevent colorectal cancer through losing weight, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption. It helps the patients. 


The outcome of treatment after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer depends on the cancer stage and the response to treatment. Early diagnosis is a possible source of high cure chances for cancer patients of the above category.

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