
Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

The flow of blood circulation is the blood supply that transits and travels throughout our body, making all our muscles and organs function properly.

However, when the flow of blood circulation does not occur properly, it is usual to present symptoms such as:

  • Heaviness
  • Lack of energy
  • Tingling in the extremities
  • Body numbness
  • Failure of the main organs

Luckily, this can be easily improved through different methods.

If you were looking for a good flow of blood circulation, in this article we will show you how to do it.

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How does the flow of blood circulation work?

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to all tissues and vital organs of our body:

  • Brain
  • The liver
  • The kidneys
  • Stomach
  • The muscles

Also, to work properly you must also pump blood to yourself.

In the same way, the veins move oxygen-poor blood from the tissues to the heart. From there it will be directed towards the lungs with the intention of receiving more oxygen.

This cycle is repeated when the oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart from the lungs and is pumped once more throughout the body.

Among the best methods to maintain a good flow of blood circulation we have:

1. Cayenne pepper

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a chemical compound that can help you:

  • Regulate cholesterol levels
  • Clean arteries and blood vessels
  • Purify the blood

This pepper can be used in a variety of dishes, teas, soups, and juices. To be even more effective we can consume it in the following way.


  • The juice of 3 lemons
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper (20 g)


  • Extract the juice from the lemons and add them to a jar.
  • Next, add the two glasses of water.
  • Add the honey spoon and cayenne pepper.
  • Let it rest for 20 minutes inside the refrigerator.
  • Finally, serve with 2 ice cubes.

Consumption mode

  • To maintain a good flow of blood circulation we suggest you take 1 or 2 glasses of this lemonade a week.

2. Brushed dry

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

Dry brushing is one of the best ways not only to improve the appearance of the skin but also to increase the blood supply, oxygenate the body and optimize blood circulation.

To perform brushing efficiently, you must:

  • Take a wooden brush or soft bristle brush.
  • Begin to massage the skin with deep, circular movements.
  • Direct the brush slowly towards the heart.
  • Repeat brushing twice.

In addition, this brushing can help reduce cellulite and eliminate excess skin.

3. Cold and hot showers

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

Contrast showers are a very simple way to improve the flow of blood circulation of the human body.

They work as follows:

  • Cold water helps contract the lymphatic vessels.
  • The hot water helps to dilate the lymphatic vessels.
  • Alternating hot and cold showers in the same bathroom can create a pump effect that can help increase the
  • lymphatic drainage and blood flow in the veins.

To perform the hot and cold shower correctly you should use each water temperature for 5 minutes, leaving the water to fall on the whole body.

4. Salta

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

Similarly, letting our body bounce will not only help improve circulation, it will also allow blood to be distributed more easily.

To make the jump you should only:

  • Stand with your back straight and your arms at your sides.
  • Separate the feet until they are parallel to the shoulders.
  • Next, bend your knees a little and push yourself to get as high as possible.
  • Perform 3 sessions of 10 repetitions.

You can also use a jump rope because it will perform exactly the same function.

Other recommendations

Best Methods To Maintain a Good Flow Of Blood Circulation ebuddynews

To maintain the blood circulation of our body in perfect condition you can also:

  • Maintain a healthy diet with high contents of fruits and vegetables to improve the supply of oxygen in the blood.
  • Drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day: it will allow you to stay hydrated and improve blood flow.
  • Increase fiber intake contributes to cholesterol regulation and improves circulation.
  • Adding garlic constantly to meals can reduce cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation and cleanse the blood of our body.
  • Consuming vitamin C and E regularly can help maintain the health and flexibility of the arteries.
  • Having a relaxed pace of life facilitates blood flow and circulation in general, also decreasing blood pressure.

Following all these tips you will be able to maintain a good flow of blood circulation and you will notice how the heaviness will decrease.

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