
Writer Of Many Thrillers Jack Higgins Died At 92

Writer Of Many Thrillers Jack Higgins Died At 92 - ebuddynews

British espionage and thriller writer Henry Patterson aka Jack Higgins, who sold more than 250 million copies of his novels, died at the age of 92.

Jack Higgins published 85 books between 1959 and 2017, including ‘The Eagle Has Arrived’ (1975), a fictional story about British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s attempted kidnapping during World War II. At that time, it sold more than 50 million copies. Hollywood made the story into a film in a 1976 adaptation starring actors Robert Duvall, Donald Sutherland, and Michael Caine.

The publisher of the writer, HarperCollins, announced the news after Jack Higgins died at his home in Jersey, United Kingdom.

HarperCollins chief executive Charlie Redmayne said Patterson, born in Newcastle, northern England, in July 1929, was a classic thriller writer. He described him as an intuitive, tough, and relentless author.

Redmayne, for whom it was a privilege to be involved in publishing some of his work, said that as long as he remembers Higgins, he has been a fan of Jack Higgins. He stated that His death of him marks the end of an era.

Jonathan Lloyd, his literary agent, recalled for his part in Jack Higgins’s life. He was sure when “The Eagle Has Arrived” was released, it would be an instant classic.

His hits include ‘A Prayer for the Dying,’ ‘Thunder Point,’ and ‘Angel of Death.’ His last release, five years ago, was ‘The Midnight Bell,’ with which he managed to return to the best-seller list of the British newspaper.

Patterson leaves behind four children born during his first marriage – Sarah, Ruth, Sean, and Hannah – and his wife, Denise.

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