
Process To Save Battery By Reducing Processor Speed in Android

Process To Save Battery By Reducing Processor Speed in Android

We’ve been doing some specific battery-saving guides for weeks with options like Greenify or GSam Battery Monitor. Today we bring you a guide back to how to save battery on Android using a method more specific to computers than smartphones or tablets, but equally useful for the purpose for which it is intended.

Before proceeding with the guide, you must know that it is necessary to be a root user to perform this method, so I recommend that you take a look at our article on how to rootear any smartphone without PC. After making sure we have superuser privileges, let’s get down to work.

Reducing processor speed with CPU tuner

As we have mentioned before, we will use a method used mainly in computers, but rather aimed at increasing the speed of the processor to reduce it. CPU tuner is valid for both purposes, but in this case the one that interests us is the one to reduce the speed to obtain a better autonomy. There are other alternatives, but personally I think it is the simplest and most useful for this guide.

Once you have installed the application, you will have to grant Superuser permissions to it to work properly. When you have granted them, we will have a list with different energy profiles, depending on our preferences. You can also create a custom profile, but if you want to let the application manage the processor speed is recommended that you use the Extreme profile. In our case, we will create a new profile that will fit the hardware of our team.

Process To Save Battery By Reducing Processor Speed in Android

To create a custom profile you will have to press the plus icon in the top bar. Then the configuration of the profile in question will appear, which we will have to modify to our liking. First of all and for the settings to be applied while using the phone, you have to go to the Settings tab in the three points in the upper right corner and activate the option Activate CPU Tuner. Once this is done, we will proceed to configure the custom profile.

Configuring the custom profile

As we want to extend unnecessarily the guide, we will proceed to explain only the configuration most important of all, which is the maximum speed and minimum of the processor depending on the state of the smartphone (display off or on). To do this, navigate to the tab Actual and we will post if the section trigger status appears allĀ  (or the name that you have given in the section Triggers) because otherwise the setting is not applied correctly. In the section of Profiles we will have to first select the one of Screen on to configure it,

Screen on

In the Controller section it is recommended that you choose the option of Battery saving , since the Maximum speed would consume much more. In terms of the maximum and minimum Frequency, it is advisable to decrease on the maximum about 200 or 300 Mhz , and leave the minimum frequency to the minimum value that our processor supports.

Screen off

We will repeat the same process as in the On Screen option but selecting the Off Screen option in Profiles (remember that you have to create another profile , as we have done before). As regards the maximum frequency and minimum, it is advisable to decrease the profile of the maximum about 400 or 500 Mhz, and leave the minimum frequency to the minimum value that supports our processor, as in the above. Because we will not use the terminal mienstras the screen is off,

This is the basic configuration to achieve a remarkable battery saving. The profiles may not be correctly applied on your smartphone by the installed kernel, especially if you have an official ROM from the manufacturer of your phone. However, it should work for most terminals, but as I say, if you do not want to try strange configurations I recommend that you use those predefined by the application , such as Extreme mode.

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