
Prevention Of Osteoarthritis For Better Health

Prevention Of Osteoarthritis For Better Health ebuddynews

The osteoarthritis is a disease that progressively destroys cartilage forming part of the joints. Thus, the bones that form this region begin to rub against each other during the realization of any movement.

It appears with a relatively high frequency, forming one of the most common rheumatic pathologies due to its characteristics.

As a general rule, the individual suffers a very localized pain, inflammation of the affected area and stiffness of the joint. In this way, there is a deformation of the parts affected by osteoarthritis.

The joints that suffer this disorder most often are the hands, knees, hip, and spine. It can also develop in other body regions.

On the other hand, the treatments include the use of drugs or drugs, a series of guidelines in daily life and, in the most serious cases, a surgical intervention.

Prevention of osteoarthritis

Prevention Of Osteoarthritis For Better Health ebuddynews

We can also differentiate between two types of osteoarthritis: primary (without a certain cause) and secondary (related to some pathologies or medical conditions). Therefore, we can not cancel the risk of suffering from this disease, we only reduce the probability and delay its appearance.

The following proposed measures also serve to alleviate the symptoms if the patient has already developed the pathology. The most common risk factors associated with the development of this pathology are:

Overweight or obesity

The increase in body mass that falls on the joints wears away the cartilages that make them up. Therefore, a guideline to follow would be to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and the performance of physical exercise moderately.

These recommendations also serve to prevent a large number of diseases and improve our quality of life.

Maintain inadequate postural hygiene

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Forcing our back and repeating certain movements can alter the functioning of the joints involved. For example, during the practice of a certain sport or sports modality or during work.

On the other hand, an important guideline to follow is to avoid or reduce postures that include a backward tilt of the spine. In this way, we overload this region, which, in the long run, can lead to a serious illness.

Injuries or traumatisms of a body region

They can occur due to a variety of causes. As a general rule, they can be produced in a timely manner, after performing a surgical intervention. It can also be caused by excessive repetition of a certain posture or movement.

For example, simple guidelines to follow would be the use of protection in the practice of certain risky sports and a short walk every forty-five minutes. If we must carry out an activity continuously, it is advisable to practice it in the least harmful position for our body.


Prevention Of Osteoarthritis For Better Health ebuddynews

It is a disease in which the pancreas does not function properly. This organ secretes to the blood a substance, insulin, which helps in the use of glucose. Thus, all the cells of our body can use this nutrient during cellular respiration.

However, if the patient is overweight or obese, he is prone to develop this pathology, which affects the entire being. On the other hand, there are other types of diabetes that appear congenitally (at birth).

Sedentary or reduced physical activity

With physical exercises, we strengthen and strengthen the different structures of our body. In this way, our body adapts gradually to the sessions, and we improve our physical condition.

Importance of early diagnosis

Prevention Of Osteoarthritis For Better Health ebuddynews

In this type of pathologies, the hereditary component is very important. For this reason, it is important to make the patient a complete clinical history that includes the family history of rheumatic diseases (especially cases of osteoarthritis) and personal history of interest (such as fractures, joint pain, etc.).

The objective is to establish an early diagnosis to treat the pathology as soon as possible. This can delay the evolution of the disease and minimize the deterioration of the articular cartilage. Starting a symptomatic treatment improves the quality of life of the patient, but it can also mask a serious pathology that requires more aggressive measures.

Therefore, in the presence of the first symptoms, it is recommended to go to the doctor and avoid self-medication with anti-inflammatory ointments or oral corticosteroids, in this way the exploration will be reliable.

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