Food & Drink

Do You Know Nuts Can Help You In Lose Weight

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Eating nuts is a way to balance our diet to acquire a daily dose of vitamins, proteins, and nutrients for lose weight.

Although they are a small food, they are full of beneficial properties for the organism.

The main characteristic of nuts is, precisely, that they consist of less than 50% water.  However, that does not prevent them from being full of vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of our body and lose weight.

Among its components we find:

  • Vitamin B
  • Folic acid
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Fiber
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium

There are two types of nuts:

  • With peel, for example, pistachios.
  • Dry fruit, such as grapes and prunes

How do nuts help us lose weight?

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  • For the moments of the day between meals in which we look for a snack or snack, an excellent alternative is nuts, because when we eat we satisfy hunger and reduce the intake of carbohydrates and calories.
  • As they contain a lot of fiber, they avoid and relieve constipation, as well as facilitating the digestive process eliminating all waste harmful to the body.
  • They also help us care for our bones. Because of its high calcium content maintain good health and strength of bones, as well as prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.
  • They give us a younger and healthier appearance thanks to the amount of antioxidants they contain. Thus, we manage to delay the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles.

We must make sure to eat nuts without salt or fried or roasted. Otherwise, they lose part of their properties, and we will gain weight.

In addition, if they are very salty, we will increase the consumption of liquid, and we could overstress the kidneys.

Next, we will list six nuts that, thanks to their properties, help us maintain the proper functioning of our body and lose weight.


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The nuts are a variety of dried fruit that comes from walnut; its pulp is white which is surrounded by a hard shell thick, round and brown.

Its consumption decreases the level of fat that tends to accumulate in the abdomen. In addition to reducing appetite, the amount of carbohydrates they provide is minimal.


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The pistachios are a purple fruit with green pulp; they are covered by a hard shell halved and relatively easy to open.

When we eat pistachios, these are metabolized completely in our body, which results in a low-calorie intake.

In addition, they are very beneficial to improve eyesight and have healthy and strong teeth.


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The almonds are a fruit of white pulp surrounded by a thin brown skin, which grows from the almond tree.

They contain healthy fats that reduce hunger and help us to take care of our weight. In addition, they improve digestion and are beneficial in preventing high cholesterol levels and heart problems.

Sunflower seeds

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This is a fruit whose white pulp is surrounded by a black shell with white stripes and, which is obtained from the sunflower flower.

As with most nuts, sunflower seeds contain high doses of vitamins and good fats that purify and detoxify our body.

In the right amounts, this nut gives us a lot of omega 3, 6 and 9 that improve the functioning of our body and stimulate the loss of fat.


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It is a dehydrated fruit with a dark and wrinkled appearance. Despite its appearance, it is sweet with a lot of nutrients.

Thanks to its properties, the prune improves the metabolism and detoxifies our organism. This eliminates problems of constipation and fat accumulation.


Do You Know Nuts Can Help You In Lose Weight ebuddynews

From the date palm, the dates are an oval-shaped fruit whose color varies between red and yellow. The consumption of dates represents a nutritious dose of fiber.

These nuts not only help us to satisfy hunger and control our weight: they also improve our brain activity.

In addition, they work as a natural remedy to treat allergy and anemia problems.

Avoid excessive consumption of nuts

As with other types of food, it is important to avoid the excess and to know what amount of nuts it is advisable to ingest.

Do You Know Nuts Can Help You In Lose Weight ebuddynews

Therefore, it is essential to consult with a nutrition specialist to guide us. Each body is different, so it is necessary to know how much nuts are suitable for each person.

When buying nuts, we must make sure that they are already ripe and their shell color is normal.  Otherwise, they may contain fungi or mold (in case they look greenish on the outside).

Among the most common risks that exist due to the exaggerated intake of nuts are:

  • Toxicity when immature fruits are eaten
  • Allergic reactions
  • Diarrhea
  • Kidney stones
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