
What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes

What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes ebuddynews

Do you think that only adults can experience stress? If your answer is affirmative, you should know that you are in a big mistake. Children can also suffer from it, and it is a problem as serious, or perhaps greater, than in adults.

Thinking about helping you understand how this can be a problem for your children, we’ll talk a little bit about childhood stress.

You will discover that it is a serious situation to which we must pay attention and look for the correct solution.

What is childhood stress?

Child stress is a set of biological and psychological reactions that occur when a child faces situations that he can not control.

This problem can be triggered by any situation that is perceived as harmful, unpleasant or that generates anguish in the child.

  • As a parent, you should pay close attention to this problem, because the children do not always know how to express or ask for help.
  • In addition, when the correct attention is not given, behaviors, habits, and thoughts that affect your child throughout their life can develop.

What causes the onset of childhood stress?

What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes ebuddynews

Child stress can arise from any situation. The difference lies in the skills that your child has to face those situations beyond their control.

Among the most common reasons that cause this problem are:

Sibling rivalry

Although the brothers are our first friends, for many children it is difficult to adapt to their arrival. This can cause constant fights that cause stress both in the little brother who feels rejected and in the one who feels displaced.

  • If your children are going through this stage, it is important that you pay attention to both equally and that you talk to the older one on a constant basis.
  • If you have noticed symptoms of rivalry before the birth of the second child, try to explain to your child that he is still important.

In case this does not work, seek help from a therapist specializing in children.


Child stress, as in adults, appears in situations of trauma or abuse. It can be physical or psychological abuse at home or at school.

What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes ebuddynews

Given this situation, it is important to seek specialized advice, because your child will need to learn techniques to deal with that abuse and prepare himself psychologically to face it.

The most important thing is that your child moves away, or enters a situation in which you feel safe.

Death of a family member

Another case in which child stress appears is when a loved one dies, be it family or an acquaintance, with whom there was close relationship. Of course, this is a painful event for everyone, but the children of the home should not be left out.

Even though it may seem that they are very young and can not understand the situation, it is necessary to explain them in a way that clarifies their doubts, but without giving more information than necessary.

How to identify childhood stress?

What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes ebuddynews

It is a fact that each person reacts differently to moments of stress. However, both adults and children experience similar symptoms. Among them are:

  • Frequent headaches that are not related to a disease or cold.
  • Episodes of irritability, which can appear as tantrums or meaningless tantrums, which often lead to episodes of much crying.
  • Instinctive rejection of people or situations that generate stress.
  • Nervous or strange behavior before certain stimuli.
  • Habits that had already been overcome in another stage, such as sucking your finger or eating your nails.
  • Hyperactivity

Dealing with childhood stress

If you suspect that your child is experiencing stress, it is important that you take steps to resolve the situation.

Some parents choose to wait thinking that after some time the situation will improve on its own, but this rarely happens.

What is Childhood Stress And Its Causes ebuddynews

Among the things you should do, highlight:

  • Teach your child relaxation techniques to deal with negative emotions. It may work to practice yoga with them or teach them to meditate.
  • Encourage your child to do some sport that helps him release energy. This, in addition, will keep him healthy and in good physical condition.
  • Be less demanding, more flexible and tolerant with your child. It is good that you have high expectations about your children, but you should never lose sight of the fact that they are children and that they will be wrong.
  • Promote dialogue and learn to listen with respect to what your child has to say to you.

Some adults see their children as if they did not have the capacity to understand or have serious conversations, but they also need to share their ideas with you.

  • Seek psychological help if you feel that the situation is out of control and you do not know how to deal with it.

As you can see, childhood stress is just as serious a problem as stress in adults.

We recommend that you always be aware of your child’s attitudes. This will allow you to see the changes you may be experiencing and treat them at the precise moment.

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