
Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health?

Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health? - ebuddynews

Much is said about the risks of high carbohydrate diets. Therefore, it is not uncommon for most diets to have carbohydrate reduction as one of their main points. But have you stopped to think if carbohydrates are so negative? Are there times when you need to increase your consumption?

Of Course, High Carbohydrate Diets Can Cause:

  • Overweight
  • Blood glucose problems
  • Chronic diseases

However, The Opposite End Also Causes You Severe Problems Such As:

The reality is that consuming carbohydrates is just as necessary as consuming healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins, among others. The key is to choose the right carbohydrates and avoid those that have been processed and are rich in sugars and unhealthy fats.

Your Thyroid Has Problems Regulating Its Function

Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health? - ebuddynews

Do you have problems converting glucose into the T3 or T4 hormones of the thyroid? When you consume a few carbohydrates and have this problem, your metabolism will be slower. This can cause fever and difficulties to maintain the correct temperature in your body.

To solve this problem, consume a complex carbohydrate. It will also be essential to talk with your doctor or nutritionist to know the characteristics of high carbohydrate diets that you should follow.

Your Glucose Levels Are Low

Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health? - ebuddynews

People with diabetes or prediabetes are advised by their doctor to consume few carbohydrates. However, following a diet like this, all the time without requiring it can lower your glucose.

Carbohydrates are immediately converted to glucose. Therefore, they are the fastest way to recover normal glucose levels. The symptoms you should watch out for are dizziness and headaches.

In case you are diabetic with an inevitable tendency to abnormal glucose drops, take with you some carbohydrate at all times. It is also recommended that you bring your meter for a quick review.

Diets High In Carbohydrates: You Need Energy

Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health? - ebuddynews

Lately, do you feel unusually tired and lacking in energy? This can happen for several reasons. Since you have made adjustments in your sleep schedules until a change of activities.

In case your routine stays the same, but your energy does not analyze if you consume enough carbohydrates. Diets high in carbohydrates provide a lot of energy in a short time. This is because the body quickly metabolizes carbohydrates.

The problem appears when you consume an excess of energy that you do not burn afterward. It is at this moment that energy accumulates as fat.

When consuming carbohydrates for energy, remember to watch the portions. A small portion can give a lot of energy, but it runs out quickly. It is best to take several small portions that you can consume throughout the day.

You Are Having Difficulty Getting Pregnant

Leptin is a hormone that is related to the brain and the hypothalamus. When carbohydrate levels are optimal, leptin is usually produced. At this time, the pituitary may stimulate the sex hormones that control fertility and menstruation.

The problem appears when your carbohydrate intake is poor. In this situation, your body will have difficulties to start the process of fertilization.

You Feel Hungry All The Time

Complex carbohydrates are also often fiber-rich foods. For that reason, if you avoid high-carbohydrate diets all the time, you will end up hungry all the time. Also, you will have problems in your intestinal transit.

The alternative may be to change carbohydrates for foods that provide healthy fats, such as avocado. In case the hunger persists, add a carb to your diet every so often.

What Are The Best Carbohydrates?

Are High-Carbohydrate Diets Really Harmful To Your Health? - ebuddynews

Of course, when we recommend high carbohydrate diets, we do not say that you eat anything. It is vital that you choose natural foods of good quality. In particular, you should avoid processed carbohydrates, with too many sugars and sweeteners.

Try to consume: potatoes, brown rice, banana, whole wheat, wholemeal pasta, yellow squash, cherries, etc.

As you can see, diets high in carbohydrates are not harmful. In some cases, they are a necessity for your body to function correctly.

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